Use the Parking Meter Analogy
This is part of Stewie's Guide to Ruthlessly Declutter Your Clothes Today.
We’ve all done it. We’ve all purchased a shirt that looked so good on the mannequin in the well-lit store. But when we got home, we didn’t like how the shirt looked on ourselves.
In such cases, we should simply donate the shirt and move on with our lives. But we don’t. We tell ourselves, “I paid good money for this. If I get rid of it, I’m wasting money!” However, we wasted the money the moment we purchased the shirt.
Put simply, keeping clothes we never wear won’t un-waste the money we spent. The money is long gone whether we wear the clothes or not.
It’s like paying for a parking meter for an hour, and then your appointment only takes 10 minutes. Do you hunker down in the parking space for the entire hour to get your money’s worth? No. Do you sit and watch as other drivers settle for less desirable spots? Of course not.
This same idea applies to clothes. Sure, you paid good money for them, but if you don’t wear them, they have zero value to you. Donate them and let someone else get value from them.
Furthermore, clinging to these clothes makes you feel bad. They’re daily reminders of not-so-great decisions. So why not let go of them and move on with your life?
Next steps…
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